The support system I rely on is essential in helping me cope with all of this. They provide encouragement and support I need when things are difficult.”
Getting Started | CAYSTON® (aztreonam for inhalation solution)

Starting CAYSTON?

Need help staying on track with CAYSTON?
Before you receive your first shipment of CAYSTON, it is important to complete and understand the following steps:
Step 1: Enroll into the Cayston Access Program® (CAP)
Your cystic fibrosis (CF) care team will ask you to complete a Cayston Access Program application form [English], which is required to provide you with the ALTERA® Nebulizer System, along with additional methods of access and support.
Step 2: Choose your Specialty Pharmacy
CAYSTON is only available through specialty pharmacies. Most insurance plans will automatically select a specialty pharmacy for you. If you are able to choose one yourself, make sure that specialty pharmacy is covered by your insurer. Learn more about specialty pharmacies. You can also call the Cayston Access Program at 1-877-7CAYSTON 8 AM – 8 PM EST, Monday through Friday with any questions.
Step 3: Schedule your first CAYSTON shipment
Call your specialty pharmacy to order and confirm a delivery date for your first shipment of CAYSTON. If you do not take this step, your CAYSTON will not be delivered to your home.
Remember: Your specialty pharmacy may call you from an unknown number to set up an account—be sure to check your voicemail for messages from missed calls.
Get a list of specialty pharmacies and their contact information.
What’s included in your first CAYSTON shipment?
Step 4: Prepare for your first treatment
Familiarize yourself with your ALTERA Nebulizer and what you need to do before taking your first dose of CAYSTON. See detailed instructions on preparing your doses, and cleaning your ALTERA Nebulizer Handset.
Remember: It’s critical to your treatment plan that you fit all 3 doses of CAYSTON into your schedule. Learn more about how CAYSTON can fit into your day here.
Step 5: Surround yourself with support

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